Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Benefits, Technique and Precaution of Camel Pose

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Ustrasana (Camel Pose) is a backbend pose in yoga that stretches and strengthens the body, particularly the spine, chest, and thighs. It's a powerful heart-opening pose that can improve flexibility and relieve tension in the body, especially in the lower back.

How to Practice Ustrasana

1. Start in a kneeling position on your mat, with knees hip-width apart and thighs perpendicular to the floor.

2. Place your hands on your hips with fingers pointing down, and ensure that your tailbone is tucked slightly to protect the lower back.

3. Engage your core and lengthen through the spine as you gently lean back.

4. Reach back with your hands to grab your heels one at a time. If you can’t reach them comfortably, keep your hands on your lower back for support.

5. Lift your chest toward the ceiling, allowing your shoulder blades to draw together as you open through the chest and throat.

6. Let your head drop back if comfortable, relaxing your neck and gazing towards the ceiling.

7. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply. To come out, bring your hands back to your hips, lift your head, and slowly return to a kneeling position.

Benefits of Ustrasana

Improves posture: Opens the chest, shoulders, and upper back, counteracting the effects of hunching.

Strengthens the spine and back muscles: Enhances flexibility in the spine and tones muscles of the back.

Opens up the chest and lungs: Aids in respiratory health by expanding the lungs and promoting deeper breathing.

Stretches the hip flexors and thighs: Provides a deep stretch to the front body, especially the hip flexors and quadriceps.

Stimulates digestion and improves blood flow: Beneficial for internal organs by massaging and stimulating the abdominal area.


Avoid this pose if you have recent or chronic back or neck injuries.

Engage the core and avoid excessive arching of the lower back to prevent strain.

Beginners may want to keep hands on the lower back instead of reaching for the heels to maintain balance and support.

Practicing Ustrasana regularly can greatly contribute to spine health, posture, and a sense of openness in the heart and chest area.

Disclaimer: Before beginning any yoga practice, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, injuries, or concerns. Yoga involves physical movement that may not be suitable for everyone, and a medical professional can help determine if these practices are appropriate for you. The information provided here is for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Practice mindfully and listen to your body to ensure safety and well-being.